Treasure Chest

Treasures Chest is nothing but a reference page with some useful, friendly links to check out, in cases of emergency, especialy for web developers… Don’t forget to check it out!…

Photo credit: @pexels ©pixabay


CSS Generators

Contains various generators for CSS styling like custom borders, shapes and patterns.


CSS clip-path maker


Free stock photos, royalty free images & videos shared by creators.


Freely-usable images, powered by creators everywhere.

Generate WP

Helpful tools for WordPress Developers


CSS Animation generator, liscensed under FreeBSD Liscense

CSS Gradient

CSS Gradient generator

CSS Grids

CSS Grid generator

Reshot of Envato

Free icons and illustrations

My Creative Type

This really is a creative website, by Adobe, just check it out!…

App Icon Generator

This friendly website will help you to create icons for your apps, in packs and for free!…

Squoosh Image Converter

This free online image converter can help you convert most of the image files to their compressed version, and AVIF, WebP and Browser PNG files, how cool is that?…

Coolers Contrast Checker

This is a part of a great website called Coolers, it helps you to choose colors and examine them for web standart contrast rules.

WP Beginner

Detailed application examples of WP coding and if you are not a coder, WP interface tutorials.

Can I Use…

This is an amazing website where developers check the usability of anything they write in their code, across different platforms.

CSS Tricks

One of the great websites that offers helpful articles on CSS and HTML.

W3 School

My oldest reliable tutorial resource for any web related title.

MDN Web Docs

Resources for Developers, by Developers for any web development subject 🙂

More to read?..