The Art of Folding Papers: Origami

The only important thing on Origami, is to find the best paper that can fold easy enough but also must be solid enough to stay in shape.

PHOTO CREDIT: @wiki commons ©dodoiste

I saw this book, © Origami Animal Sculpture by John Szinger that you can find it on Amazon where you can find the links for buying his book. This is one example from it, before you buy it you should at least try one. I did. Let me tell you this, it definitely is not easy to fold a paper, if this paper is not made for Origami, there are special papers for Origami my dear reader, classic newspaper is one of them, but you know, it has articles all over it!… So you should also buy some Origami papers. (Readers from Turkey can also check this link for the book, and for the papers I can recommend this link) Also open aside this Wikipedia page, that explains the standart Origami symbols and terms and how to achieve them.

I will try this project of The Asian Elephant and these are the author John Szinger‘s instructions with his photos.

© John Szinger

For thousands of years these graceful, majestic, and intelligent creatures have been an important force in human civilisation. Elephants make a particularly fun subject for origami. This model uses a variation on my Bear Base for the body, with a sculptural three-dimensional head. Feel free to vary the pose of the trunk. Recommended paper: 12 inch (30 cm) square or larger. Two coloured paper will yield colour-reversed tusks.

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