Mad Hatter -with crochet hats-
I love making crochet hats, I would be the Mad Hatter from Alice, except, you know, if I could crochet them all!… I probably made hundreds of hats, distributed to all my friends and family members. Let me tell you how it started…
Treasure Chest
Treasures Chest is nothing but a reference page with some useful, friendly links to check out, in cases of emergency, especialy for web developers… Don’t forget to check it out!…
The Art of Folding Papers: Origami
The only important thing on Origami, is to find the best paper that can fold easy enough but also must be solid enough to stay in shape.
Sewing: A Solo Activity
I invite all Singer sewing machine owners to create marvels with their machines, it’s time to sew, I mean, after learning how to thread the needle… I have no idea where to start!..
Hello world!
This is my tribute for all the good people at WordPress that are working day and night, so that we can use this wonderful interface, for free, without asking anything else in return, without selling our personal data to the algorithm monsters. Thank you guys, for everything. 🙏